Ok so this is the wolves best wolf pic voting!
Remember only put up a picture for voting if you have sent a message to me! (check the wolves!!! forum for more details)
This is a voting competition only for WOLF pictures and they have to be sent to me in a message!! (To see if they are wolfy enough!)
Everyone can vote BUT you only have TWO votes so make sure they count!
The competition for putting pics up will end on July the 23rd.
The voting will end on January the 1st!
I am pretty sure that is all........
Well then good luck and remember to send me the pic before putting it up so I know it is wolfy enough!
P.S check out my Wolves!!! competition for more details! Also it would me nice if someone other than Maisie put
pictures on there! I think that is all now.
P.P.S Ok last thing if you are reading this then thanks for actually checking my forum out! If you have the time then please have a look at my blog and post a comment
it really helps when people do that.I update the blog pretty often too so new things will be posted often! That is the last thing! Good Luck!