What advice would you give?
Mr Warner 1 decade ago Mr Warner wrote What advice would you give?:

As we are reaching the end of a fantastic year together, I pose a question for you to all think about and share your suggestions...

What advice would you give to the current Year 4, to prepare them for life in Year 5?

Let's hear your ideas!

Daniel cool

  • 08marisag.bad.kent 1 decade ago 08marisag.bad.kent replied What advice would you give? :

    The advice I'd give would be prepared to be woken up with a very loud'GOOD MORNING DANIEL GOOD MORNING JO GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

  • 08julietp.bad.kent 1 decade ago 08julietp.bad.kent replied What advice would you give? :

    I advise you to practise new wake and shake for y4!!



  • 08francescat.bad.kent 1 decade ago 08francescat.bad.kent replied What advice would you give? :

    i think i would say all you need to do is keep Daniel happy and be prepared to do a different morning wake up and just be yourself. there is nothing to worry about. exept from tucking your shirt in otherwise you lose a pupil point!

    Daniel will aso do angels and mortals where you pick someone in the class then you cant tell them but be really nice and try not to get caught. beware you could get Daniel or Jo.psadcheeky

  • 08emilyf.bad.kent 1 decade ago 08emilyf.bad.kent replied What advice would you give? :

    i would sy be your self and try your best (thats What me and holly do). also be prepared for your neck to ache after school because daniel moves aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttt!!!!!!

  • 09maisien.bad.kent 1 decade ago 09maisien.bad.kent replied What advice would you give? :

    thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!