Favourite Things about Yr5 so far! Please Open!
09philippab.bad.kent 9 years ago 09philippab.bad.kent wrote Favourite Things about Yr5 so far! Please Open!:

To all,

This isn't a competition but I would really like it if you could answer anyway!angel 

Ok so the question is: What have been the best things about Yr5 so far?

Please think carefully before you answer!smiley

You are allowed more than one thing so don't worry if you can't decide!yesno

I hope you can think of lots of great answers!enlightened

Good luck!wink

From your fellow classmate,

Pippa laugh

P.S Also I will be sending out a message soon about this so if you can answer that as well it will be much appreciated!

  • 09maisien.bad.kent 9 years ago 09maisien.bad.kent replied Favourite Things about Yr5 so far! Please Open! :

    bewl water