Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Why is toast called toast ??? Because you put it in a toaster
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
What did the confused bee say
to BEE or not to BEE
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Did you here the joke about the butter
Dont worry you will only spread it
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
When's a man like a dog
When he is a boxer
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
What birds spend all their time on their knees
birds of prey
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
What does an envelope say when you lick it
Nothing it just shuts up
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper makes them sneeze!
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
what do u call a man with a number plate on his head ?
what sweet do lambs like best ?
a big baaaaaa of chocolate
what do elephants take to hel;p them sleep ?
where do tadpoles change into frogs ?
the croakroom
what did the dog say when he sat on some sandpaper ?
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
What do sea monsters eat ?
Fish and ships
Why did a man have a clock under his desk?
He wanted to work over time
Why do hens lay eggs ?
Because if they drop them he will crack
What is a cats favourite colour?
Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon ?
it has good cheese and food but no atmosphere.
Why can't a leopard hide ?
Because he's always spotted
Harry don't nick these !!!!!!
Jolly ol me wanting a joke:
How do you start a teddy bear race ? ? ?
Ready teddy go ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !